When It Doesn’t Come Easy
What do we do when peace and joy don’t come as promised? And when they do appear, they do so in ways unexpected, requiring us to reconsider our previously held opinions and honest hopes. What do we do?
I imagine it is something like waiting during an uncomfortable and meandering journey to some unknown location. Lost? Searching? Accepting anything that might be open to receive us? For whatever it might be as we sojourn on, this state feels unbearable.
But still. How much longer, Dear One? Pains that come and go like waves lapping the shore. Anxiety that almost never ceases. Anger that rips and roars. Dear One, truly, how much longer?
We speak of peace and love but I’m not sure we truly believe. We speak of glad tidings and joy but I’m not sure we actually desire those. After all, do we care about any of that when it comes to our own “freedom?” Baby Jesus be damned in the manager where he lay if that means our liberties be infringed, right? Because most of us assume we understand how this story ends — why should we care? Maybe saving our faces (from the tears) and upholding the childhood traditions (that we actually don’t like) is what is most important right now.
But I guess in the meantime I will wait in silence. Listening as Voices On High linger about the airwaves and the land lurches onward under the weight of disparity. For maybe, just maybe, the world will turn this time.